New to Gloria Dei?



We hope that the information below will help to answer any questions that you have about what to expect when visiting Gloria Dei. We encourage you to explore the website, but more importantly we want you to visit us and discover all that there is to experience at our church!

Our Location

We are located in the Fox Hill section of Hampton at the corner of Fox Hill Road and Bromley Drive. We have plenty of parking including handicap spaces around the church. Our church is also wheelchair accessible. Google Map Link

Sunday Worship

Sundays at 9:30 a.m. (Coffee Bar is open at 9:00 a.m.) – Traditional service with Holy Communion (Online and In-Person)

Recommended Attire

Worship is an action word and is time dedicated to honoring God and renewing your spirit, not so much worrying about your wardrobe. Gloria Dei welcomes all who come to worship, and we have no formal dress code. Worshippers at Gloria Dei wear anything from jeans to suits. Your participation, and openness to the Word matter most. So, dress in a way that is comfortable for you.

Worship Experience

Whether you are a long-time Lutheran, come from another tradition, or are perhaps making your first visit, there is no need to worry. Our service is simple to understand and easy to follow. Everything you need to know is printed in the weekly bulletin which you will receive as you enter the Sanctuary. The Pastor and Lay Assistants will guide you every step of the way. If our style of worship is new to you, feel free to sing along or just listen and observe. We gather to give thanks and praise. It’s not a contest, so please be patient with yourself if parts are unfamiliar.

Our Policy on Children

No need to worry. At Gloria Dei we understand children. They are an important part of the Gloria Dei family. Each Sunday children are invited to come forward for a short Children’s message where they will get a brief explanation of the week’s lesson. If you prefer, we have a full nursery available upon request that provides childcare for infants and toddlers. To make a reservation contact the church office.

Recommend Offering Amount

Will you be expected to make an offering? No. Members of Gloria Dei commit themselves to “God’s work – Our hands.” We respond to God’s gracious providing and support our mission through our contributions. If you are new to Gloria Dei, please come to worship as our guest. During each service, offering plates are passed, but we do not expect or require visitors to contribute. You are, of course, free to contribute if you so desire, but feel free to let this time in God’s presence be God’s gift to you. Generally, followers of Jesus feel great joy in giving, as all things come to us by God’s grace as a gift. Giving leads to deeper awareness of the gifts we have been given, and to thankfulness and to feeling a part of God’s work of salvation. Regular giving is a part of discipleship, and traditionally the 10% tithe can serve as a personal giving goal.


All followers of Jesus are welcome at Holy Communion. If you (and/or your children) have received Holy Communion in another church, you are welcome to participate here. If it’s new to you, our Pastor or an assisting minister would be happy to talk with you about it before or after worship. To receive Communion at the altar, come forward by the main aisle (the ushers give directions), kneel or stand at the altar rail as you are able, and extend your open hands, palm upward (so the minister knows you are communing). A piece of bread or a wafer (gluten free is also available) is offered with the words “The Body of Christ, given for you” and will be placed in your hand. Then wine (or grape juice) is offered with the words, “The Blood of Christ, shed for you.” Again, if this is new to you, we’d be happy to explain the who, what, where, why, and how. It was new to all of us once, too. Those who do not wish to commune are invited to come forward to receive a blessing.  Crossing an arm across your chest will indicate this to the Pastor.