New Member Sunday--New Members will join on Sunday, March 16, 2025, during our 9:30 a.m. worship service.
Lunch & Learn Seminar--You’re invited to Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center’s Lunch and Learn Series on the fourth Tuesday of every month. This is a free opportunity to learn more about the featured topics as we hope to raise awareness and improve resiliency in ourselves and our community. All Lunch and Learn seminars will run from noon to 1:00 p.m. and will be conducted at PPCC’s main office at 707 Gum Rock Court in Newport News unless otherwise noted. Dates and topics are updated on the following website on an ongoing basis. The next Lunch and Learn is on Tuesday, March 25, at noon; it’s subject is “The Medicine of Silliness.” Please visit the PPCC website to pre-register:
Wednesdays in Lent--March 5 - April 9. Unbroken, A Living Faith
The series begins with Ash Wednesday, continues with our five Wednesdays in Lent, and concludes on Maundy Thursday. Each of the Wednesdays, we will have a simple soup supper, beginning at 6:00 p.m. until 6:45 p.m. There is no meal on Maundy Thursday nor Good Friday.
7:00 p.m. begins our Evening Vespers, and the sermons will have the following topics:
Lent 2, March 19............................. God Becomes Human for Us in Jesus Christ
Lent 3, March 26............................ God Feels Our Pain and Suffering
Lent 4, April 2....................................God Compels Creation Toward Mercy
Lent 5, April 9.................................. God Delights in Our Goodness and Judges Sin
Maundy Thursday, April 17....... God Meets Us in Bread, Wine, and Water
Please sign up on the sheet in the Atrium or contact Kevin Morse at 757-288-0268 if you are interested in helping in the following areas: making soup, helping with setup, serving the soup, and cleaning up for our Wednesday evening Lenten Soup Suppers. There are still a few Wednesdays that need individuals to sign up to bring soup. The sign-up poster is just outside the Nave, near the Communications Center (TV). Soup Suppers are now in the Coffee Bar and Simeon Center, with dinner beginning at 6 p.m. and worship at 7 p.m.
Easter Sunday Lilies--It’s time for us to begin placing orders for Easter lilies to grace our Nave for our Easter worship service. Lilies are $25 each. Please turn in completed envelopes to the church office by March 20. If using online bill pay or, note how many lilies in the memo line and call the church office, 757-851-2838, to let us know if your order(s) are in honor or in memory of someone. We may be able to get these for a cheaper price. Any money received over our cost will go toward the crisis fund.
Suppers at Capri--Join Pastor and others at Capri Pizza and Italian Restaurant, 227 Fox Hill Rd., next week on Tuesday, March 25, at 6:00 p.m.
Join Pastor and others at Capri Pizza and Italian Restaurant, 227 Fox Hill Rd., next month on Tuesday, April 15, at 6:00 p.m. We will have a meal together and share in conversations around Scripture. At the end of our time together, we will share Holy Communion. Invite your friends and family. Please, RSVP to Peggy in the Church Office by Tuesday, April 8; we want to make sure the restaurant is prepared for our group being there. You are responsible for the cost of your meal and a generous tip.
Pasta Dinner & Puppet Show--March 27th. Dinner at 5:30 p.m. and Puppet Show at 6:30 p.m. This is a fundraiser and all proceeds will go to the Watterton family. Amy Watterton has been a teacher at Gloria Dei School for 26 years. Her husband, Kevin, a paramedic/firefighter with the City of Hampton was recently diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Tickets for Dinner and the puppet show: $18/adults and $14/children. Cost for puppet show only: $10. Sign up at the front desk by March 26th.
Clean the Nave Day--Join us on Saturday, March 29, from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. to help make our beautiful worship space shine for Easter! Anyone willing to work and enjoy some fellowship is welcome. Come for an hour, or come for three! There are many different jobs. Bring a broom and dustpan; other cleaning supplies, snacks, and bottled water will be provided. Contact Vivian Griese, 757-268-5181, or Pam Hess, 757-897-5669, with any questions.
Easter Egg Orders--Gloria Dei Lutheran Church is selling chocolate covered Easter eggs. The eggs are available in two sizes and seven fabulous flavors. The large eggs weigh approximately 8 oz. and can be personalized. The small eggs can be ordered in an assortment with one of each flavor or one flavor per box. The weight of each small egg is approximately 1.5 oz. All eggs will be decorated with flowers. Please return completed order forms to the information desk in the atrium and place in the box labeled Easter Egg Orders.
Order taking will begin February 10. Order deadline is Monday, March 31. All orders must be pre-paid. Make checks payable to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Questions: Mary Mace (757) 826-5435 Easter Egg Order Form
Orders may be picked up at Gloria Dei.
Friday, April 11 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. & Sunday, April 13 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Women of Gloria Dei WELCA--The Women of Gloria Dei meet periodically throughout the year for fellowship and to support various mission projects. Once again we will sponsor the creation of Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR) as our Lenten Journey. These kits are distributed throughout the world during times of national disasters.
They include:
- Nail clippers (sturdy heavy-duty ones)
2. Comb (a large sturdy comb—no rattails)
3. 2 full-sized bath soap bars (no hotel sizes or travel sizes)
4. Lightweight bath towel, about 20x40” to 52x28” in a medium to dark color
5. Full-sized adult toothbrush (no travel sizes; leave in packaging)
You can donate monetarily by placing a check or cash (in a designated envelope) in the offering plate, mailing it to the church office, or on Please add “LWR Kits” in the memo section. You may purchase complete kits or any portion. If you have any questions or want more information, contact Rita Foringer at
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church is 60 years old this year!--Help us celebrate all year long by participating in our “60-Day Challenges.” These challenges will be announced on a poster and small table set up in the Atrium common area. Our first challenge is “60 Days of Prayer.” Please stop by and pick up a bookmark and challenge card to read more about this event.
It is easy! Short prayers, long prayers, prayers while you brush your teeth, prayers when you pick up your children, drive a car… you get the idea. We would like to count the total number of prayers offered during this 60-day period. You can drop your completed cards, sticky notes, etc. with the number of prayers each person in your family or group prayed that week into the provided basket.
God invites us to prayer. What a great way to kick off this anniversary year, by asking God to bless our church and school. Not once, but every day! Make prayer a part of your and your family’s daily routine. We hope after 60 days it will become a permanent daily habit.
The Walk to Emmaus--The Walk to Emmaus develops Christian disciples and leaders by inspiring, challenging, and equipping active adult church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, workplaces, and communities. It also benefits less active members who are seeking to renew a relationship with God, grow spiritually, or discover firmer foundations for their lives. Through The Walk to Emmaus, as they seek to become healthy and vital congregations, local churches have both a means of growing disciples and a tool for developing leaders for their disciple-making systems.
The program begins with a 72-hour short course in Christianity that is wrapped in prayer and signs of sacrificial service. It continues for the rest of participants’ lives with follow-up groups that, along with the local church’s robust offerings, contribute to participants’ ongoing growth in grace.
Ultimately, The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. The program's approach seriously considers the model of Christ's servanthood and encourages Christ's disciples to act in ways appropriate to being "a servant of all."
Men’s Walk: May 1 – May 4 & Women’s Walk: May 15 – May 18
Pastor is looking at serving on the Women’s weekend, so it would be great to have as many Gloria Dei women as possible to do this walk. Please, let Pastor Dave know of your interest ASAP. You can call the church office, 757-851-2838, or email Pastor at
Join us for worship each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. We are excited to make our worship more accessible to those who want to worship with us at Gloria Dei who are not physically able to be with us in the nave. All worship services are offered in person in the Nave and virtually via our website at
Wonderful Wednesdays--Wonderful Wednesdays meets beginning at 5:45 p.m. Wonderful Wednesday is a program for children in grades Kindergarten-High School.
Community Bible Study--Our weekly Community Bible Study, held at H.E.L.P., 329 Buckroe Avenue, is held on Wednesdays at noon. All are invited to attend. This is a great opportunity for us to learn the needs of our community and help us to become more outreach-oriented.
Troop 10 Eagle Scout Project--Joshua Weigel is raising money for his Eagle Scout Project, which he aims to build three elevated garden planters for Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. This project will benefit Gloria Dei for educational purposes as well as being a great visual addition. He has already raised enough funds for the first unit, which costs $195; but he needs funds for the other two units, which cost $390. You can contact Pastor Dave for more information on how you can contribute to this project.
2025 Flower Calendar--The 2025 flower calendar is posted on the bulletin board just outside the church office suite for those wishing to give the flowers for our Sunday worship services. These flowers cost approximately $63.00. You may designate your flowers in celebration of something, in memory of someone, in honor of someone, to the glory of God, etc. You will be billed directly by Jeff’s Flowers, Of Course. Thank you!
Fellowship Bible Study--You are invited to join us in Bible study every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. We are meeting in the Simeon Center and using the Augsburg Adult Bible Study Series. This is a small group study, where you will find fellowship and a relaxed atmosphere. For information, email Sharon Padula at
Watterton Fund--Kevin Watterton, spouse of Amy Watterton (long-time teacher at Gloria Dei), has been diagnosed with a rare and terminal cancer. If you would like to support the Watterton family, you may send a contribution to the church office through one of our payment methods. Please add “Watterton Fund” to the memo area of your chosen payment method.
Little Library Donations--Our Little Library, located at the middle set of doors, gets a lot of action from parents as they are dropping off or picking up their children. We are asking that you please consider donating any children’s books by placing them on the back counter at the Information Desk. These books will be used to refill when the Little Library gets low on books. Thank you for your generosity.
NexTrex Recycling Challenge-Round Three!--Gloria Dei is participating in the NexTrex Recycling Challenge…again! We will collect a minimum of 1000 lbs. of plastic film, which will be exchanged for a third NexTrex bench for our school. A donation bin is located in the Atrium for your clean, dry plastic.
School Employment Opportunities--Gloria Dei Lutheran School has the following positions available:
*Bus Drivers (PT-we provide training)
*Substitute Teacher/Aides
*Kitchen Staff (PT)
*Instructional Aide FT (10 or 12 Month-FT)
If you are interested in applying, you can find an application online at Once completed, you may turn it in to the School Office at 250 Fox Hill Rd., Hampton, VA 23669, attention: Lisa Dadez.
Harris Teeter School Fundraiser--You can help Gloria Dei Lutheran School raise funds by shopping at Harris Teeter. Once you ask for and receive your VIC card, you can go to, click on “Link your school today,” log in or register, then go to “My Account,” and scroll down to “Together in Education,” and click to link a school. You will then enter our School code, 6528, and click on Gloria Dei Lutheran School. Thank you!
Papa John School Fundraiser--You can help Gloria Dei Lutheran School raise funds by shopping at or on their mobile app. Simply apply the promo code “GDLS” and 20% of your order will benefit our school. This offer applies to delivery or carryout orders year-round. All proceeds will be donated for the new playground equipment.
Altar Guild--Have you ever wondered what it is that we do to prepare the church for weekly services and special events? If you are interested in being a part of the Altar Guild or if you would like to be the Lead Sacristan, please contact Renee Wells, 757-749-4425. Training will be provided.
H.E.L.P. Food Pantry Donations--Please, join us in filling up the red wagon to feed the hungry in our community. The following are items on their most needed list:
- Peanut Butter
- Mac & Cheese
- Shelf-stable milk-single-serve pkgs.
- Canned Veggies - corn, beans, green beans
- Individually wrapped bars of soap
- Canned or Boxed Potatoes
- Toilet Paper
- Crackers
- Juice (individual size)
Cereal Offering--Running late? Short on time? We will have milk and a small selection of cereals available before worship each Sunday morning, beginning in September. Please visit the Coffee Bar for available cereal choices.
Cross and Crown is a wonderful ministry enabling youth to participate and serve in worship, and there are always opportunities available. Please contact the church office if you would like to serve.
Make a Joyful Noise!--If you are interested in singing with the choir, singing in a small ensemble or solo, or playing an instrument on Sunday mornings, please contact Brandon Spence, Choir rehearsals are now on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
The coffee bar is open before and after services and is in need of coffee creators! Please contact the church office if you would like to serve!
Lay Assistants, Readers, Ushers, Greeters, and Altar Guild are all in need of extra help. Please contact the church office if you would like to serve!
Deadline for Weekly Articles--The deadline for articles to be added to the Weekly is Tuesday by noon of each week.
Children's Bible Study
K-4th Grade, Growing with Jesus, 5:45 p.m.
Jr. & Sr. High Youth Christian Education
5th & 6th Grade Bible Study, 6:55 p.m.
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation, 6:55 p.m.
Grades 9-12 Sr. High Discipleship Group, 6:55 p.m.
Adult Class
Daybreakers Bible Study meets in person and on Zoom
8:30 a.m. - 2nd & 4th Mondays
Fellowship Bible Study meets in person and on Zoom
10:00 a.m. - Every Tuesday

Gloria Dei Offers Ministries for Children and Adults of All Ages! We hold a variety of service and learning activities at Gloria Dei or in the community throughout the week. Find schedules and details across the website and through the links below.

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church is a people, not a place. Our goal is to be Gloria Dei not only to the Fox Hill community, but to also be Gloria Dei at the park, beach, grocery store, school, work, and beyond. Maybe you have experienced Gloria Dei in one of these settings and are wondering how you can become involved.
First, begin with prayer. Pray that the Holy Spirit would help discern which faith community is best for you and, if applicable, your family. Second, check out our calendar of events, and if something catches your eye that you might like, then try it. Third, join us for worship.
The folks of Gloria Dei are full of love, the love of Christ; and they would love nothing more than to share that love and their experience of Jesus with you. Blessings as you search for a faith community that you can be part of and support. Jesus deserves our worship and our praise. Peace be the journey.

Lutherans are the oldest protestant denomination of Christianity. At the very core of our beliefs is that Jesus the Christ is Lord; we believe in the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and we believe that salvation belongs to our God, is a gift from God, and there is not anything that we can do to earn it.
At the heart of the Gospel is God’s love for us and for all of God’s creation. There is not anything you can do to make God love you less or more than what God already loves you. Lutherans focus on grace. There are no fire and brimstone messages here. We preach a message that balances the law and the gospel...

Our Acclaimed On-Campus Christian Private School for Students Ages Two Years Through the Eighth Grade
For over 45 years Gloria Dei Lutheran School has taught children in a safe and nurturing environment where they are encouraged emotionally, socially, academically, physically and spiritually to be the best they can be

Now Hiring for the following positions: Director of Buildings and Grounds, Steward of Buildings and Grounds, and Substitute Teachers for the 2022-2023 school year